Ommo Iera Lee
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Monday 17 July 2017 | 0comment

اَلسَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Azad Mukhlis bin Ahmad Marzuki
DOB : 31 January 2017

It quite long I am in silent mode. Still have to gained back my mood in writing this journal of my life. Indeed now my time turn ups and down because of my cutie pie Azad Mukhlis. How time flies so fast now he already 5 months so we gonna organize his "aqiqah and potong jambul". Your mommy now getting busy to find an idea for your doorgift. Event will be held at my MIL house so it will be not buaian berendoi or any pelamin mini but me still insist to have it. Oh so stubborn lady hehehe..

Wait why must I am writing in English? Hehehehe.. ok la kita berbahasa pula. Setelah 5 bulan baru lah boleh buat majlis Baby AM ye. OK senarai doorgift dalam kepala hotak your mommy ha. Kalau boleh nak berjimat la idea tu tapi doorgift tu cantik di mata sedap di telan hehehe :

1) Kacang
2) Biskut ice cream
3) Cookies
4) Brownies
5) Dodol (so tradition :) )

Plan with picture:

Simple and nice. Just beli plastic size kecil or sederhana yang transparent tu lepas tu letak doily paper supaya nampak kemas. Warna warni nampak menarik + ribbon SIAP!

Ni pun nampak menarik dan senang. Cupcake box dan plastic. Lepas tu beli yang dawai bunga telur + ribbon ke pape. Dah SIAP! Jimat pun jimat kan...

Mommy was thinking where to find this cute plastic bag? Just need sticker for Azad Mukhlis then siap. Letak biskut tin je yang ade berkg2 tu. Kalau siapa tahu inform by comment below ok ;).

New idea. Biskut batang ni p rendam dalam coklat letak biji2 warna warni tu. Ha creative tapi amek masa ni LOL! heee...

Ok la tu cukup 4 je mommy share idea. Actually banyak sangat idea mommy ni nak buat doorgift awak AM cumanya masa dan kewangan limited. So ehmm lets mommy think 1st which 1 mommy nak choose. Tapi idea asal adalah begini tau:

So kira kos cam melampau lak lebih RM200 tapi tak apa akan diusahakan ok sayang.

Ok ajad.. ni masa dia baru 10hari di usia nya..
Mommy love you baby :)

Ok la bye chuoallss.


the typewriter,
Ms Iera Lee

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The Tukang Tulis

My name is Iera Lee
Daughter of Sir Abu Samah and Madam Zainab.
28 years old.
Blogging since 2010
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