Ommo Iera Lee
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Credit to my friend!!
Friday 20 April 2012 | 0comment

bersyukur gila ada sahabat yang tak berkira and sungguh baik hati...
me sangat-sangat berterima kasih kepada cik Anny...
she's very kind person...
never forget the others...
by the way tomorrow is my exam...
hope u guys pray for me also ya!!
sangat menginginkan jawatan ini...
biarlah susah dahulu..senang kemudian...
niat baik sungguh...
untuk masa depan keluarga...
tapi tak boleh terlalu berharap...
tawakal, usaha dan doa...amin~~
mohon Allah permudahkan hari ujian esok...

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The Tukang Tulis

My name is Iera Lee
Daughter of Sir Abu Samah and Madam Zainab.
28 years old.
Blogging since 2010
The Key To The Life Of The Heart : lie in reflecting upon the Quran, being humble before Allah in secret, and leaving sins (Ibn Al Qayyim)

Diary About Stuff

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